Paraffin hot wax is one of the most effective methods of applying heat to relieve pain and stiffness. A warm paraffin bath relaxes muscles, relieves stiffness and muscle spasms, and stimulates circulation. The warm paraffin also moisturizes for healthier looking, softer skin.

This is a wonderful heat therapy that provides symptomatic relief of pain and is optimal for patients suffering from arthritis, bursitis, muscle spasms, pain, stiffness, and chronic joint inflammation


Paraffin hot hand wax offers the hands a rejuvenating and relaxing experience.  This treatment includes hydrating hand cream smothered all over your hands and then gentle lowered into the paraffin wax three times coating your hands in layered wax then placed into mittens. When removed you have the option for a relaxing hand massage.  Leaving your joints feeling relaxed, skin feeling soft and you pampered.


Paraffin hot foot wax offers the feet a rejuvenating and relaxing experience.  This treatment includes hydrating foot cream smothered all over your feet and then gentle lowered into the paraffin wax three times coating your feet in layered wax then placed into booties. When removed you have the option for a relaxing foot massage.  Leaving your joints feeling relaxed, skin feeling soft and you pampered.

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